Business Strategy: Hiring an Excellent Virtual Assistant

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Diving into the business world can feel like navigating through a whirlwind of endless tasks. But hey, one smart move that you'll likely pat yourself on the back for? Hiring a Virtual Assistant (VA). Especially if you're navigating the waters of business ownership and management for the first time, VAs can be an affordable and enlightening intro to directing a team. For those just stepping into this arena and pondering about hiring excellent virtual assistants, here’s a friendly little roadmap.

Zeroing In On Tasks and Defining Needed Skills

Start your journey by identifying the specific tasks you need an extra pair of hands with. By doing so, you can sculpt a solid list of desired skills and qualifications, streamlining your search and making it easier to spot those who may not align with your needs.

Maintaining Standards and Setting the Expectation Stage

Training—often a sizable task that business honchos tackle solo. The neat thing about VAs, particularly freelancers, is they’re perpetually sharpening their skills and learning new tricks of the trade. While it doesn’t eradicate the need for training, it does mean a potentially shorter ramp-up time since they usually come to the table with a hearty helping of experience.

A quick tip—hiring excellent virtual assistants can be your secret weapon to achieving a whole lot more in a snug timeframe. It's a nudge towards a harmonious work-life balance and keeps your sanity safely wrapped in a protective bubble, which is downright vital for your business’s wellbeing. Safeguard your mental tranquility and consider stepping into the VA hiring arena!

Choosing the Freelance or Agency Route

Picking between freelance VAs and agency-based ones brings a couple of key differences into play, such as cost and availability.


Freelancers often come with a single price tag that encapsulates everything, making them a potentially more wallet-friendly option compared to agency-based VAs. The latter might carry additional fees related to office space, equipment, and employee perks.


The availability of a VA can often be sculpted to your needs—whether that’s weekend work, a few hours a week, or on-call availability. However, if a freelance VA needs to bow out for a day, finding a replacement can be tricky. On the flip side, an agency usually has a backup ready to jump in.

Embarking with a Trial or Probation Phase

Even if the interview leaves you feeling impressed, kicking things off with a paid trial or a probation period allows your new VA to show their mettle and ensures they mesh well with your company's vibe. If things don’t pan out as hoped, parting ways is a little less awkward.

When you welcome a VA into your fold, you might just find yourself marveling at how your world, both work and personal, transforms for the better!

MVP Virtual Assistants can add leverage to your business by helping you manage the tasks that are taking up too much of your time by providing you quality first class Virtual Assistant service. Start outsourcing with us today!

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